Çerez Örnek

General Information

Statistical Science is a science that uses the inductive and deductive methods in collecting data from the masses, editing collected data, analyzing and interpreting the collected data and modeling the variability in the properties of individuals and objects with probability theory.

Program Profile

Since 2014-2015 academic year, undergraduate education is only available to students in Primary Education. Training is completed in four years. The courses are divided into two semesters and the compulsory courses are shown in the faculty program. In the first two semesters of undergraduate education, the department offers a variety of general courses to prepare students for more technical and specialized studies in the third and fourth years. The program of the last two years has been designed to provide the student with a more advanced knowledge of Statistics as well as training in many applied fields.

Working Areas of statisticians

The main objective of the Department of Statistics is to provide a well-balanced Statistics program for statistician candidates who can work in many fields including university. In addition to the theoretical statistical knowledge of departmental programs, statistics, computer, operations research, economics, accounting, statistical quality control, simulation etc. the study areas are very wide because they are supported by the lessons.

  • Industrial Statistics,
  • Quality control,
  • Quality Development and Experimental Design units,
  • Planning units that conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis,
  • Insurance companies,
  • IT sector,
  • Technology development units,
  • R & D and consulting companies,
  • Banks,
  • State Planning Organization, Ministries, Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI), the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), Business and Employment Agency and other government agencies.

Ege Üniversitesi